It is an amazing gift to live the life I came to Earth to live. I am extremely grateful -- and love dearly -- all those with whom I have reconnected thus far. I look forward to meeting more Lightworkers who have worked for millennia to bring this time to fruition.
Thank you to everyone who has found the courage to live their lives openly and honestly, with great love. Each of you makes an incredible difference in bringing Heaven to Earth.
Forty-one years ago, when I was 19, I went to a party in Dallas, Texas. Within the first hour I felt very disconnected from what was going on. As I was about to leave and go have a quiet evening at home, I suddenly had a spontaneous regression to a past life as Mary Magdalene. I made my way to the small powder room and leaned against the sink, sobbing quietly and overcome with waves of memories.
I told no one. I went home and proceeded to have one of the most beautiful nights of my life remembering my life with Yeshua and the other people whom I loved so much in that lifetime.
During the ensuing decades more details would surface when I least expected it. Without exception, I would be flooded by deep happiness and a sense of connection to that time.
Some of the participants in Dancing with Source™ know of this lifetime but almost no one else. My focus in this lifetime is to teach all people who are Guided to learn the tools of Dancing with Source™ which lead to gnosis or 'profounding knowing'. Interestingly enough, they are based in the same knowledge I taught as Mary Magdalene after Christ's ascension:
Recently I was working with Kathy Cheek, a gifted rolfer and craniosacral therapist to clear my vision, which has been a lifelong challenge for me. Pretty much simultaneously, we asked, "What am I not seeing?" I began to cough to clear my fifth chakra -- the chakra of Divine Truth and ability to fully live my life purpose. I also became aware of a tightening in my third chakra -- the chakra of free will and choice. I didn't need to tell Kathy about this. She perceived it before I did.
She was working with my 'field' holding me with exquisite love and no judgement whatsoever. I was reminded by Christ of my long-held enmity toward Peter. For 2000 years I have held a grudge in my heart that he did not 'see me', refused to honor the Divine Feminine, and miscast many of my beloved Christ teachings about Oneness. Christ showed me that it was necessary to forgive him -- and myself. I murmured this to Kathy.
Kathy, Source, Christ and my God-Self were already at work. As her gentle hands held my third chakra, front and back, it began to release. Tears began to seep from my eyes as I realized that while I wanted Peter to 'see me,' he wanted Yeshua to 'see' him. Yeshua saw us all -- and held us in deep unconditional love.
Suddenly, it was done. I felt a deep and profound love welling up in my heart toward Peter. I no longer cared about the 'story' or my perceptions about what he had done that was so egregious. I simply loved Peter with my whole heart. I said to him a Guided version of the beautiful Huna process:
It took me 2000 years to forgive my perception of Peter's transgressions. What might have been possible had I reacted differently with an open heart filled with love?
I asked Source to help me encode the myriad learnings of this experience into every part of my architecture and infrastructure. I want to remember this always. It was what Christ taught:
The DWS spiritual retreat over Labor Day weekend, 2009 brought about a BIG shift for me. Ashley opened a Stargate with Source through which powerful archangelic and ascended master energies flowed until she closed it at the end of our retreat. This coupled with the powerful earth energies of the sacred Native American ceremonial land where we were working combined to give me a profound connection to Source and the Archangels.
Beginning in the retreat and since the retreat, I have felt deeply being in 'flow' with Source. There were no questions, no details just a profound sense of 'knowing' the next step to take in whatever situation unfolds before me. It felt - and feels -- like floating through life with ease yet being acutely aware of everything around me. This is in stark contrast to the life I previously lived where my life was controlled by my ego/mind. My pattern was to look at a situation, evaluate the possible solutions and make a decision based on extensive analysis and empirical data. In Sedona, Source and the Archangels lovingly showed me another way.
Toward the end of the retreat, Source instructed me to design a piece of jewelry for each DWS attendee. At first, my thoughts were "this will be easy and a great challenge ". Source said each piece was to be designed specifically for each person, would embody the energy needed by that person and carry a personalized message. I thought, "OK, now it's getting more complicated. What materials do I need? What does each piece look like?" Source continued to state that this project needed to be completed within a month. Now, I started to feel nervous. My ego/mind started to came up with a list of questions and 'what ifs'.
On the last day of the retreat, I spent the afternoon walking around the vortexes at the Angel Valley Retreat Center wondering how I could possibly accomplish this task. While visiting the Archangel Ariel vortex, a message came in the form of a poem for one of the attendees with a brief glimpse of a necklace. As I walked from one Archangel vortex to another, more messages came. Source and the Archangels were telling me what energy was needed for each person and which stones would embody that energy.
Once I returned home and sat down at my design center, I asked Source, "Where do I start? Which stones? What is the design?" I felt a deep connection, a vibration flowed over me. This was what I had felt in Sedona. I knew I was in the presence of the Divine. A beautiful stone appeared in my mind's eye and then the silver wire and then instructions of how to wrap the stone. I could feel the energy of the stone as Source infused and blessed it for the recipient. The face of the recipient appeared along with a message of love from Source. Another design appeared in my mind's eye along with the gems to be used and the exact geometries of how they went together...2 of these, 1 of those, 21 cm of this. I was in Divine 'flow', receiving guidance from Source without question or hesitation. The process was the same for each of the 16 pieces created and it changed forever how I design my jewelry.
Source showed me a different way to design my jewelry AND live my life. Source showed me how easy it is to be in the 'flow' with Divine guidance and love, how to be in total trust and let go of all the mind chatter. Source continues to show me every day how to let go and stay in the 'dance'.
And, I am deeply grateful.
The vision of the Dancing with Source™ mystery school is Oneness. We empower all to create a clear two-way communication with
the Divine and transform past lives, trauma, disempowering genetic & behavioral inheritances through family bloodlines, disempowering
core beliefs, incongruencies with Highest Good and congruencies with what is not, karmic patterns, programs, attachments, fragmentation of soul,
personality, and separation from Spirit, removal of Dark Teachers and implants, as well as dynamic relationship work with the archetypes, concepts,
ideas, people, places and so forth that hold us back from moving into our Light Bodies. When we clear these and other barriers from our Bioplasmic
system we become progressively able to hold more Light and can be of greater service in the uplifting of human consciousness in preparation for the Ascension.
We do this through advanced energetic healing workshops, private sessions, speaking engagements, and spiritual retreats in partnership with Source, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and All Beings of Light.
Blessed be.