Energetic Healing Workshops at the Dancing with Source Mystery School in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Newsletter - Past Issues
Miracles are not contrary to nature, only to what we know about nature.
Miracles are natural.  When they do not occur, something has gone awry.
As love grows within you, so beauty grows.  For love is the beauty of the soul.
Impossible situations can become possible miracles.

It is full autumn here in Northern California. The birches are turning golden, the pumpkins are out and farmers' markets are rich with the fall harvest! This is my very favorite time of year -- although I LOVE them all.

As I finish putting together this newsletter, Joy, my Russian Wolfhound, lies at my feet. Ave, my red Abyssinian cat, is perched on a seat in the window overlooking the arroyo outside.

I just finished working with a wonderful client in Chicago who is a joy to work with. She feels energy and understands the work intuitively without being trained. Source is bringing to me and other DWS Master Facilitators more and more folks who are focused on clearing their vessels of 'buggy code' so more Light can flow in.

Life is beautiful. It is truly pure joy to serve the Light.

Wishing each of you days filled with Peace, Love & Joy.

Magic Happens!

-Ashley Warrenton-Smith

I have been teaching the DWS Mystery School since August of 2007. Before I began teaching this work, I used it for quite some time with private clients with astounding results. Now that there are many graduates of the school, I am dazzled by the waterfall of 'miracles' that I hear about every day.

I put 'miracles' in quotes because my direct experience has led me to understand that when we work with Source in perfect trust and pure love in oiur hearts, we can ALL create 'miracles'. When they become commonplace as they were designed to be, they will no longer be 'miracles'. They will be the stuff of ordinary life -- as they are for the members of the DWS village.

As have the other DWS Master Facilitators, I have been part of a steady stream of 'miracles' including the self-healing with Source that clients have manifested such as healing fibromyalgia of many years standing, many cases of migraine headaches, significant reversal of cancer tumor markers, borderline poverty to abundance, the removal of suicidal programming, babies being conceived when all medical intervention had failed, folks being in total car accidents with no damage at all to their physical bodies, heart attacks being reversed with no physical damage to the heart, businesses being saved from closure, students passing tests with perfect scores when they didn't have time to prepare adequately, cars, homes, jobs being brought to people in ways that were clearly extraordinary, and then there is love. So many people opening their sad, wounded, shut-down hearts that thought they might never love again to the power of


Waterfalls of love, open-hearted giving & sharing irrespective of the relationship, making BIG differences in the lives of others through random acts of kindness and love, restoring the faith of family, friends and strangers in the magic, mystery and miracles of love.

These are the reasons I am so happy. These 'miracles', the truly loving and kind members of the Dancing with Source village, and my connection of the heart to our Beloved Source, the Archangels, Ascended Masters and other High Beings of Light. They are funny, warm, profoundly loving and powerful beyond any other power I have seen or felt. It is the power of unconditional love of which all worlds are created that also creates 'miracles'.

Now isn't that miraculous?

Be Unconditional Love.


-- Michelle DeBerge

At 5PM Friday night, two days ago, there was an unexpected knock at my door. The visitor was a realtor who had come to inform me that my landlord had lost this house to foreclosure and I needed to move out. I have lived here for almost 7 years and was very attached to my home. When I found it, it was in the middle of a remodel so I had some say in the color and materials. I have always felt that this house looked just like me and was meant to be mine.

After she left, I sat down. In the past moving has always made me physically ill and emotionally upset. My first thought was, "Arrrgh, Ashley is coming over in November for a small party I am having and she won't get to see the house. My second thought was, Where is my DWS book?"

I did a lot of DWS work that night: Clearing my relationship with my landlord, removal of Dark Teachers, cutting cords and so much more. Finally I got to the congruence work and focused on letting this house go and finding a new exciting home. I admit, as I went to bed that night, I cried a little.

Saturday morning was spent going from rental to rental. Most of the houses in my price range were small, dark and had so much dark 'stuck' energy that I was losing hope by afternoon.

Once again, I picked up the DWS tools and worked on myself. Every time fear entered I asked Source to take it to the Light realms and for the angels to hold me close and comfort me.

Once I finished my DWS work, I started looking online for houses to rent. I am a single woman with a semi-grown child and a house full of furniture and other things.. I needed a 3 bedroom 2 bath in my price range. Miraculously, I found a strange rental-listing page with a listing for a home down the street from me. I wrote the number down and called immediately.

Fifteen minutes later I met Monica in front of an older home by the golf course. The house definitely has a lot of character and a few odd bonus rooms. It has my one necessary requirement: a gas stove. I only cook on gas. I was drawn to the home and drawn to Monica and her story. She shared her family memories with me. The energy in the home is perfect.

Now this was all happening over a 3-day weekend due to the Columbus day holiday. I called my landlord and he did not have my deposit for me, it too was gone due to his financial difficulties. The price for this rental home would go up by $2,000 on Monday if a deposit was not made before then because a leasing agent was going to handle the rental property. Right now it was priced perfectly.

I returned again Sunday morning to look at it with my friend. Were the strange bonus rooms an asset or just too odd? By the time the visit was over the three of us were excited about decorating it. The odd bonus rooms are going to be used perfectly. I used the DWS tools to build my relationship with this house.

Now I just needed deposit money. I did not have it. At 4PM on Sunday my Mother called, each of my sisters and my mother had put $1,000 in my bank account to cover the deposit. I never asked for it. They were so excited to be able to help me.

At 4:15PM I gave Monica a check for the deposit, signed a lease and invited her to the party in November I am having. As we walked outside she showed me all the fruit trees. There is a producing apple, peach, plum, lemon and grapefruit tree. I got even more than I wanted or needed!

In the meantime, a friend who owns a moving business will move me with a team if I am totally packed first. 5 friends volunteered to help me this week to pack everything up. Two other friends are kindly supplying all the boxes and wrappings. One friend is packing all 309 bottles of my wine collection and disassembling the wine cellar and rebuilding it in the new home. Again I did not ask, it was all offered with love.

Any lingering doubts that I might have had about the power of the DWS work are definitely gone. What a sequence of miracles!

I also got a call to facilitate energetic healing for a DWS 'village' member in the middle of all the excitement. I worked with her at 2PM and got the house at 4:15PM! So it was not only working on myself with the DWS tools that lifted me up, but working with someone else. I am so blessed to have found this work and to be part of such an amazing 'village' of energetic healers.

Michelle DeBerge. Michelle DeBerge is a professionally trained divorce coach with over ten years experience. She is the founder of Starting Over Without Him™. She graduated from The Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, California and has studied with several of the leading workshop facilitators in the United States. Michelle is currently Level 3 in the Dancing With Source™ work.
Michelle has been recognized both locally and nationally for her work. Through her own exploration and reflection as she went through divorce, she developed many techniques that she incorporates in her private practice.

"I wish I could show you

when you are lonely

or in darkness

the astonishing Light

of your own being."

-- Hafiz

Dancing with Source
The vision of the Dancing with Source™ mystery school is Oneness. We empower all to create a clear two-way communication with the Divine and transform past lives, trauma, disempowering genetic & behavioral inheritances through family bloodlines, disempowering core beliefs, incongruencies with Highest Good and congruencies with what is not, karmic patterns, programs, attachments, fragmentation of soul, personality, and separation from Spirit, removal of Dark Teachers and implants, as well as dynamic relationship work with the archetypes, concepts, ideas, people, places and so forth that hold us back from moving into our Light Bodies. When we clear these and other barriers from our Bioplasmic system we become progressively able to hold more Light and can be of greater service in the uplifting of human consciousness in preparation for the Ascension.

We do this through advanced energetic healing workshops, private sessions, speaking engagements, and spiritual retreats in partnership with Source, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, and All Beings of Light.

Blessed be.

Phone Number.

Please do not hesitate to call to find out more about this work which was brought to Earth by Source to help humanity -- or to obtain a referral to a DWS Master Facilitator.



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