Energetic Healing Workshops at the Dancing with Source Mystery School in the San Francisco Bay Area.

link Mystery School Workshops

The advanced energetic healing workshops that are part of the Dancing with Source Mystery School are Guided by Source, the Archangels and Ascended Masters. The curriculum of this Mystery School was created by Source and is continually updated.  It is taught through Ashley Warrenton-Smith as well as other certified trainers within the Mystery School. 

Dedicated students will gain profound knowledge in how to use advanced energy healing processes to clear deeply encoded blockages that prevent them from Being Who They Really Are. This information is appropriate for those who want to focus deep energetic clearing on themselves and their loved ones as well as for those who wish to become Master Facilitators in service to humanity and the Light.

This body of Divine knowledge is life-changing for those who view themselves as a learning instrument and 'show up' by consistently applying what is taught in every workshop. As Saint Germain said, "The Mystery School requires full engagement both inside and outside the classroom.  Practicing this newly gained knowledge consistently in between each monthly workshop is a prerequisite for advancement through the higher levels of learning -- and, ultimately, for a student to reach Self-Realization." 

The consistent use of these tools with greater and greater understanding over time affords the opportunity for students to elevate their consciousness and make major changes in their lives in accord with what is theirs by Divine Right and in their Highest Good. 

If regular practice does not occur the energetics for progression to higher levels of learning will be insufficient and progress diminished for the individual and the entire group because as each cohort advances they have important opportunities to work together outside of class to help one another clear their individual energy fields and deepen their understanding of this work.  As each student 'shows up' to do the work, Source will continue to teach that person the power of this work in between each workshop.

Testimonials from workshop participants are available.

DISCLAIMER:  The Dancing with Source work is not intended to replace medical advice nor is it intended to prescribe the use of any techniques as forms of treatment without the advice of a physician.  This work offers information of a spiritual nature to support an individual's quest for well-being.  In the event any individual chooses to use any of the information taught through the Mystery School against the advice of an attending physician, Ashley Warrenton-Smith and the Dancing with Source Mystery School assume no responsibility for that action.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  This work is internationally copyrighted in regards to its distribution outside the workshops taught by Ashley Warrenton-Smith and any trainers she might work with Source to develop as Master Trainers within the Dancing with Source Mystery School.  All certified trainers go through a multi-year apprenticeship with Ashley that allows them to fully release the hold of the ego and lower mental body that precludes clearly hearing from Source.  The work at this level addresses core issues that may include spiritual arrogance, spiritual significance, abuse of spiritual authority, self-aggrandizement and others. These must be transmuted prior to receiving approval from Source to teach this work.

link Energetic Healing Sessions with Ashley - Private

In person or phone energetic healing sessions that will assist you to work directly with Source, the Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Ariel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Gabriel and the Ascended Masters including Buddha, Lao Tzu, Saint Germain, Sananda, and others to identify and transform whatever is blocking you. These sessions help to clear various barriers including past life karma, trauma, incongruencies, disempowering family inheritances, core beliefs that no longer serve you, patterns, programs, and attachments.

Client testimonials are available.

link Directory of Master Facilitators

All Master Facilitators have completed the intensive 16 month Dancing with Source™ Mystery School training program. Each has done – and continues to do -- considerable personal transformational work. The DWS training program was designed by Source to provide extensive hands on experience under supervision. As a result, the graduates have developed high levels of expertise and mastery of the DWS processes and deepened their connection with Source to ensure Divine Guidance throughout the work.

Many of the Master Facilitators have expertise in modalities such as coaching, esoteric acupuncture, Rolfing, cranio-sacral therapy, Reiki, Middendorf breathwork, and others. Each has integrated the DWS work with these various modalities in order to offer transformational progress for their clients.

These individuals have made a deep commitment of service not only to you as a prospective client, but to Source to do the cleanest, highest work that it is possible to do.

linkSatsang with Source - Monthly

Source has utilized the monthly satsang to give participants the opportunity to directly experience Oneness, the Void, unconditional love, and other levels of higher awareness that occur for most people only after many years of focused meditation. Source  often chooses to give people an experience of profound knowing.  One direct experience is worth a thousand words.

linkGroup Meditation - Weekly

We hold a group meditation via teleconference.

We will be meditating under Guidance, utilizing the flow of sacred geometric patterns, with Source, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, All Beings of Light for the:

  • Uplifting of human consciousness to the vibration of unconditional love in preparation for the Great Shift,
  • Cleansing support for the Earth,
  • World leaders to receive and utilize Guidance from Source to bring peace to Earth,
  • Oneness, and,
  • Anything else Source guides us to meditate upon for the Highest Good of All

link Spiritual Retreats

Advanced energetic healing workshops (retreats) for Master Facilitators of the Dancing with Source Mystery School are held in power sites around the globe for the purpose of higher learning – and to assist in the ascension process of Earth and human consciousness.

The 2009 Dancing with Source Spiritual Retreat was held at Angel Valley Spiritual Retreat Center in Sedona, Arizona. This retreat center has powerful vortexes for 14 of the Archangels  and other High Beings of Light.  This spiritual retreat was open to Level III Dancing with Source practitioners and above.  Every participant experienced life-changing shifts that opened them up further to their highest potential in accord with the Divine Matrix.

The 2010 Dancing with Source Spiritual Retreat was held in Wiltshire, England.  This retreat was open to Level III, Level IV and Graduates only.  We worked with the energies coming into the crop circles under Guidance from Source.

The 2011 - 2013 DWS Retreats were held in Novato, California.

The 2014 - 2017 DWS Retreats were held in Medford, Oregon on the Refocus Triangle ley line.




Energetic Healing Workshops | Mystery School | Ashley Warrenton-Smith | Dancing with Source
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