Energetic Healing Workshops at the Dancing with Source Mystery School in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Overview of What You Will Learn

Empowerment of self is the primary purpose of these workshops. There are many specific processes taught at each level in the Mystery School including how to develop the ability to have very clear two-way communication with God/Goddess/Source, the Archangels including the Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Ariel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Gabriel and the Archangel Metatron.  This includes the Ascended Masters, particularly Saint Germain and Lao Tzu, as well as all other High Beings of Light.  The primary focus of the curriculum is how to work with these Divine Beings to create what many people call miracles.

Dancing with Source itself is a shift in consciousness.

It is learning at a profound level that we are spiritual beings and how to use that knowledge to create a Divine reality within our human experience.  As spiritual beings, we are part of an infinite energy field and a collective consciousness that is pure Love. And that Love is always there ready, willing, and able to be of assistance.

Once you 'grok this' or conceptualize it on a cellular level, your life will change – for the better.  As Einstein said, “If it’s working for you, keep doing it.  If it isn’t, do something different.”

Dancing with Source was created to assist you to do something different: 

In Level I, you learn how to:

  • Open or widen your two-way communication with the Divine
  • Use your physical body, an L-rod, and pendulum as interactive communication links with the Divine
  • Build the Watchtowers of Archangelic protection and how to use them to create an energy field of miracles
  • Clear and balance your 14 chakras to begin to build your unified chakra
  • Clear and balance your subtle energy bodies & understand how they impact your physical, mental, and emotional well-being
  • Determine with Guidance from Source what is in your Highest Good & what to do if something you want is not
  • Identify and transform incongruencies that are blocking you from attracting, allowing, manifesting & receiving what you want in your life that is in your Highest Good
  • Transform disempowering core and tribal beliefs
  • Reprogram cellular memory
  • Identify and release prime drivers that do not serve
  • Clear the construction of rules, habits, world views that do not serve
  • Bring your personal feng shui to optimal
  • Move forward on your path to enLightenment

In Level II, you learn how to:

  • Ensure field disentanglement
  • Heal past lives
  • Remove Dark Teachers and non-beneficial energy patterns
  • Heal maternal & paternal bloodlines
  • Clearing non-beneficial rules & sets of rules
  • Learn from and clear personal myths, histories & stories
  • Deep process for forgiveness of self and others
  • Release non-beneficial habits & encode conscious new ones
  • Clear trauma
  • Remove fear
  • Clear deeply rooted temper tantrums with self, Source and others
  • Identify and release double and triple binds that stop forward action
  • Forgive others as well as yourself to release the burden of holding on to past anger, resentment and other non-beneficial emotions
  • Update the Akashic records as blockages are cleared
  • Move forward on your path to enLightenment
Participants will work individually with each other in class as well as between classes to deepen their learning and build skill.

In Level III, you continue to build mastery in these techniques and learn how to:

  • Work with laser wand crystals in conjunction with the Archangels to remove blockages inl yourself and others
  • Transform the blockages that you have programmed in the layers that surround your core essence
  • Transform karmic patterns as well as other stuck patterns in the mental, ego, emotional and other subtle energy bodies
  • Remove programs you installed or that were installed by others at an earlier time that do not serve
  • Release all vows, curses, agreements that no longer serve
  • Release deeply held attachments to people, emotions, beliefs, thoughtforms and more
  • Identify and release double and triple binds that stop forward action
  • Clear power drainers
  • Fragment re-integration
  • Limbic system reimprinting
  • Reprogram your fight or flight response
  • Preliminary work to understand and clear the Pain Body
  • Work with the Quantum Field of Pure Potentiality to effect immediate and lasting change
  • Move forward on your path to enLightenment.
Participants will work individually with each other in class as well as between classes to deepen their learning and build skill as well as volunteers who need help in clearing their energy fields and are unable to afford the necessary sessions as well as other members of the DWS 'village' who request work from the group at this level.

In Level IV, you continue to build mastery in these techniques and learn how to:

  • Transmute the shadow side of Archetypes
  • Use the Super Cellular Matrix
  • Identify underlying cause
  • Clear blocked neural pathways. neural net and emotion molecules
  • Transform response patterns under perceived stress
  • Identify and transmute non-beneficial reactions to people, places and things
  • Clear objections to self, Source or others
  • Heal burnout
  • Advanced manifesting processes
  • Clearing allergic reactions
  • Advanced work on clearing the Pain Body
  • Phobia removal
  • Move forward on your path to enLightenment.
Participants will work with each other in class and in between classes to deepen their learning and build skill as well as with volunteers who need help in clearing their energy fields and are unable to afford the necessary sessions.

Graduates - Master Facilitator of Energetic Healing

DWS Master Facilitators, graduates of the Dancing with Source Mystery School, are invited to monthly continuing education practicums where all of these tools and processes come together with highest levels of Guidance.  New advanced processes are taught at this level, as Guided by Source. 

Participants work in healing circles with other graduate members of the DWS village to assist them to transcend their deepest, most persistent barriers to being Who They Really Are. These barriers may be in health, abundance and love -- or in areas of self-mastery such as equanimity, non-attachment, compassion, unconditional love and ONENESS, leading ultimately to Self Realization. The focus is wherever each individual chooses -- or as Source Guides.

Graduates (Active Only) - Disconnection from the Dark Matrix of Illusion

For Active Graduates who are spiritually ready to work at the level of Oneness, the most advanced processes -- always taught in a retreat format -- of Disconnection from the Dark Matrix of Illusion are available.  This is the path of the very high initiate and, for these processes to free any individual, they must be treated with the utmost respect and reverence. 

Direct approval from Source must be obtained for any practitioner to use these tools with a client who is untrained in this work.  A lack of meticulousness and deep gratitude will neutralize the processes.  They will not work to disconnect any individual from the Dark Matrix of Illusion before their soul has attained the level of Light that is required.  For those who have persevered on their spiritual journey to the place where their egos and personalities no longer hold them in bondage and they follow Guidance with every breath, their souls have advanced to the point of readiness for Higher Learning. Oneness and Self-Realization await. 

Graduates (Active Only) - Galactic Federation of Light

Active graduates will have the opportunity to learn how to work with the Galactic Federation of Light to transmute encodings that are deeply buried below the level of the conscious mind.
The Ascended Masters and other High Beings of Light measure the amount of love and the purity of heart that a particular soul has attained in determining their readiness to receive Higher Levels of Divine Learning.   For souls who are ready to work at this level, extraordinary transformation is assured.



“All these things and more, shall you do.”

-- Christ/Sananda



Energetic Healing Workshops | Mystery School | Ashley Warrenton-Smith | Dancing with Source
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